Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Meeting Minutes

This is the first entry into our new blog. I am going to use this space to catch up on some past meeting minutes. From this point forward, each meeting will have it's own space.

MONDAY, Nov. 10, 2008
Call to Order
PTA President Joyce Miller called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.. She thanked the members present for coming to the meeting. The following PTA Board Members were in attendance: Sheila Chapman, Kim Deutschmann, Pattie Faber, Debbie Fisher, Susan Hartnagel, Elizabeth Hoffmann, Robin May, Joyce Miller, Lisa Monsees, Judy Irelan, Lisa Paten, Amy Pescaglia, Christine Simon, Chris Teddy and Eva Vasquez.
Old Business
The minutes of the previous board meeting held Oct. 6, 2008 were approved.
Fairview PTA Treasurer’s Report was presented by Chris Teddy. Balance is $22,098.05. Profits from the FFF were down from last year, as expected.
III) New Business
Chairperson Reports
CCPTA: Chris Teddy did attend the MO PTA Convention. She recommended that we send someone to this convention in the future.
New Book Fair: Patti said she could use some additional volunteers on Wednesday afternoon to set up. Thursday and Friday are covered, although additional coverage could be used on Thursday from 4-7 p.m. She and the committee are providing a continental breakfast for teachers on Thursday morning as they preview the book fair.
Used Book Fair: Collections are going well and Jan Leonard can use help running the book fair on Thursday and Friday.
Bylaw Review: Chris Teddy reminded the board that this review is done every three years to update. To change our bylaws, it is necessary to present the changes to our general membership. There are some required changes due to MO PTA’s change in their by-laws, and these changes do not have to be approved by the general membership. The board approved the bylaw committee review changes.
Community Fundraisers: Susan Hartnaegal reminded the board that the Chevy’s fundraiser is next Tuesday, Nov. 18. Public relations efforts are underway to encourage participation. Thursday, Dec. 11, is Fairview’s Chuckie Cheese fundraiser. Students will get a sticker for 10 free tokens. Teachers get free merchandise for attending too.
Fairview Directory: They have been distributed.
Fairview Fever Festival: Board members involved with the FFF met earlier in the month to debrief for next year. Joyce thanked everyone for their tireless efforts.
Fifth Grade Party: no report
Hospitality: Helen Katz is taking care of the cake for DARE graduation. Eva is looking into the committee providing poinsettias for the offices in December.
Spring Ice Cream Social: Plans will begin after Christmas.
Literacy Room Coordinators: Media Center: Coverage is going well.
READ-a-thon: The literacy event will be March 2-6 and further planning will occur after Christmas.
Rebate Programs: We were encouraged to keep participating in these programs.
Reflections: The theme for the MO PTA Reflections program is “Wow!” There will be a information blurb in the December newsletter. Packets will be sent home to students in the Thanksgiving Friday folders so they can work on them during the holidays. Submissions are due Jan. 16th.
Room Parent Coordinator: Christine reports that the Halloween parties went well. he will send out a packet to room parents with ideas for Valentine’s Day parties.
School Supplies: The contract has been signed and we were able to get the lowest possible price, even lower than last year. We will work on marketing the program to make sure our families know what a value it is and that it is not a fundraiser.
Sportswear: Lisa is considering pre-ordering merchandise next year. She has talked with other schools who do this and it seems to work well.
Staff Appreciation: Next Thursday, Nov. 20, is going to be Pie day, where staff will be treated to pies. Plans for December are tentatively for a cookie exchange. The committee will meet after Christmas to start work on Teacher Appreciation week.
Volunteer Coordinator – Susan Reid again reminded all of us to keep track of hours and turn them in.
Wellness: Lisa Monsees reported that the city’s estimate on the proposed Fitness Track is $20,000. She submitted a proposal to Dr. Jenson and is waiting for his response. She cannot estimate a timeline for his response, as it has already been three weeks.
Workroom Volunteer: Going well.
Yearbook –
B) Other Items of New Business
IV.) Remarks by Principal Mrs. Demoss
1.) Mrs. Demoss brought the idea of a digital timer/bookmark. The literacy coach thought it might be something that parents would be interested in. There is a possibility of selling them to parents for a small fundraiser.
2.) Teachers are ready for conferences.
3.) She was happy with the decision to dismiss school on Election Day, as there were more than 1,200 voters.
4.) There are two new wooden benches in the lobby purchased by retired Fairview teachers. 5.) They also purchased one for the playground.
Next Meeting and Adjournment
The next PTA Board Meeting will be held on Jan. 12 at 7 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.